I want to share this opportunity for you to support and promote this year’s Vesakha (Buddha) Day Saturday, May 11, 2013.
Once again, we will publish a keepsake program booklet to commemorate the event. This year’s booklet will include a Vesakha Day history; biographies and photos of the monastics; a history of the building that is now the home of Blue Lotus; contact information for the temple and all satellite groups; and an event calendar for the year. This booklet will be a keepsake from a unique event and a reference for people to use throughout the year for temple information.
I need your help finding advertisers for this Vesakha Day booklet!
The 2,000 copies will be distributed for free to everyone who attends, and after the event they will be put in newcomer packets and with other temple literature. This booklet will reach people in McHenry County and beyond!
If you know or do business with anyone who would benefit from promoting themselves to our large and diverse community, please speak to them. Let them know about this wonderful opportunity to promote their business or service and support us at the same time!
Some examples of businesses that may want to participate are:
*photographers *grocery stores *martial arts studios *counselors/therapists
*contractors *chiropractors *life coaches *restaurant/café owners
*dry cleaners *day care providers *tutors *yoga studios
Be creative! Reach out to those you know and help make this year’s booklet truly memorable.
Pricing information is on the attached Letter to Businesses.
Feel free to print copies of the Letter to Businesses and personally distribute them. Any questions, please contact David Schmidt at media@bluelotustemple.org. If you would like David to follow-up with any businesses, just let him know.
The deadline for ads is 03/31 so timeliness is critical. Thank you so much for your help in this project.
Bhante Sujatha, Head Monk, Blue Lotus Temple
with the Celebration of Vesakha Day, while getting exposure for your business!
( We call that win-win! )
Supporting this year’s Vesakha Day Celebration will be the third edition of the Blue Lotus Temple Buddha (Vesakha) Day Booklet. It will be given to all guests and participants, available for free at all our meditation satellite locations, included in our Newcomer’s Packet, and available at all events and workshops throughout the year!
At the request of many businesses, we again offer advertising opportunities within the guide. With such a diversity of individuals represented in our community, we know it’s a wonderful chance for good local business and community members to find each other. If you would like to participate in this guide contact: the temple at 815-337-7378 or via email at media@bluelotustemple.org.
Advertising Rates
● Full Page COLOR 4.75″ x 7.625″ – $550.00 (Inside front, Inside back & Back cover)
● Full Page 4.75″ x 7.625″ – $450.00
● 1/2 Page 4.75″ x 3.73″ – $225.00
● 1/4 page horizontal 4.75″ x 1.8″ – $112.50
● 1/4 page vertical 2.312″ x 3.73″ – $112.50
(Ads must be 300 DPI CMYK and in PDF or JPG format)
Thank you for our continued support. We look forward to helping you connect to the Blue Lotus Community and Vesakha Day attendees.