Dear Friends,
For all of my life, the teachings of The Buddha have nourished me. Every day I commit to letting the Dhamma lead me and it never proves me wrong. When I teach and share around the world, so often I’m teaching about The Buddha…. But today, I have Jesus on my mind.
Jesus’ standard of generosity was so beautiful: “Just give a cup of cold water in my name” he instructs. I love how simple this is. I believe this teaching asks us to live in awareness of the thirst all around us.
Buddha’s standard of generosity was also beautiful: “no true spiritual life is possible without a generous heart.”
Your standard of generosity has proven no different from Jesus or Buddha’s…. A month ago, I wrote to you and asked you to open your hearts to help preserve and protect our spiritual refuge, The Blue Lotus Temple. I simply cannot believe the extent of your generosity. In only 30 days we have increased the number of people who have agreed to a monthly pledge by more than three times.
In fact, we are nearly half way to our goal of meeting our expenses with monthly pledges in only this short time. Can you believe it?
If you’ve already converted to monthly pledging, I am so grateful.
If you’ve yet to do it, I hope you’ll consider it as we must remain focused and committed to adding more love to this world.. This is my life’s work and the work of the Blue Lotus Temple. Thru monthly pledging, we can ensure we continue to meet our obligations and continue our vital work around the world.
I will continue to update all of you on our progress as we work diligently on making our spiritual home sustainable and financially sound.
You all know “My Wish” that we recite together at the end of all our meditation practices. Now, I invite you to learn a new blessing on the merits of Generosity.
We Believe
We believe in extreme generosity toward others by any means possible.
We believe the true noble Path is marked by generosity.
We believe that Like humility, generosity is part of our true authentic nature.
We believe generosity has many levels….. Think generously, speak generously, act generously.
WE believe generosity comes from hearts that are fearless and free and willing to share abundantly all that is given to us.
We believe generosity lies at the heart of spiritual practice… and with practice our hearts will grow stronger and lighter.
We believe extending generosity to ourselves and others gladdens our heart, is a direct way of healing division, and brings joy.
We believe that it’s our obligation to generously add more love in the world.
We believe thru generosity in all it’s forms, this Temple and spiritual refuge will be maintained for generations to come.
May peace be with you all, may you be well, happy and peaceful,
Bhante Sujatha